Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Getting Started

Laura Agadoni
Because I write for a living, I thought starting a blog was going to be easy, but it really isn’t, at least not for me. I mean, sure I can write about a topic, no sweat, but blogs are supposed to be more free form, right?

This blog, if I do it right, is going to help you get though some of life’s difficulties. I have been fortunate to be able to work in my field of journalism, and then stay home and raise my family. Now that two of my kids are grown and one is a new teenager, I have time to get back to my career.

For the past year or so, I’ve been writing about and researching topics that explain many issues that young families tend to want to know, from how to make a typical household budget, to determining whether you are pushing your child too far regarding sports, to how women can remain in great shape through their 80s.

When I research and write about a topic that I believe is going to be useful, I’m going to share it here. I have the time to research subjects to my heart’s content, so this blog is my way of giving back. I hope it helps you!

Please feel free to leave me a comment. I encourage and appreciate feedback, good or bad.
Here's an article I wrote to start off. If you carry any debt, you might be interested in the Ultimate Debt Strategy.

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