Friday, May 4, 2012

The Liberal Woman's Paradox

Feminism, I thought, was supposed to liberate women – to pave the way for opportunities and to give women choices. Women do not need to be homemakers or stay-at-home moms in modern society, but neither do they need to have a career outside the home to be of value. Some overly vocal liberals do not seem to get this, or if they do, they have disdain for women who do not work outside the home.

Never Worked a Day

Liberal strategist Hilary Rosen verbalized this all too common disparagement when she said Ann Romney, mother of five, has never worked a day in her life. Romney graciously reminded Rosen that she chose to raise her children and that people need to respect the choices of others.

Uneducated Women

Just a few days after Rosen’s arrogant remark came another gem from NPR’s Mara Liasson on Weekend Edition Sunday. Liasson made a distinction between “stay-at-home moms” and “educated women.” NPR immediately tried to pretend this never happened by scrubbing the clip and the transcript displayed on the website. But the damage was done. Although Liasson claimed to misspeak, listeners that day heard what she really thinks.

Liberal Arrogance

The Democratic Party likes to pretend it is the voice of women. If that were true, the Party would not be filled with women who look down their noses at others who don’t fall into their ideal of what a woman should be. Many liberal women in the Democratic Party think they are better than stay-at-home moms, period, end of story.

Nothing New

This is nothing new. Teresa Heinz Kerry put down Laura Bush, and Hilary Clinton mocked all stay-at-homes. Kerry accused Bush of never having a real job. Clinton said she chose to fulfill her profession instead of staying home to bake cookies and have teas.

Human Connections

The Democratic Party is supposed to be fighting for women’s policies. How is anyone supposed to believe that when the women in it show such contempt for people who do the most difficult job there is to do well? The success of our country depends on how well we raise our children. Female liberal politicians should keep that in mind.